Mix-Media, 100cm x 40cm
Property of the artist
Dust Devil I [Water], 2023
Latifa Saeed works between installation, sculpture and design. Her environmental approach articulates different ecosystems including natural, urban and technological. Her works most often seek a specific poetics of science; inviting us to dwell between the city, the desert and the stars. Her new installation Dust Devils, offers a never seen before technological and sensory experience based on a fundamental cosmogonic narrative. Referring to the mysteries of nature in the age of global warming, rooted in a cultural language that has evolved from the UAE’s distinct desert landscape, the installation organizes in three different devices: a smoke machine, LCD screen and an electro-magnetic device. Each translates an atmospheric phenomenon that can be experienced in the desert, through various whirlpools and tornados, where water tornado, air tornado, electromagnetic sand tornado and fire tornado come together. These natural elements metaphorize in a special soundscape composed by the artist and spread at each side of the installation space. Saeed invites us into an sensory experience made of vibrations and spectral images more than anthropomorphic or recognizable representations. In doing so she presents a reminder of the fragility and resilience of the traditional landscape in the critical age of Anthropocene.
وسائط متعددة، 100 سم × 40 سم
من ممتلكات المؤلف
دوامة ترابية الثاني [الماء]، 2023
Kinetic Khoos, 2015
Nomads, 2021
Displacement, 2019